Speaking of other things, I've started doing a podcast with three great guys I've now known for years. Cary Kelley, Brant Fowler, and Jason Berek-Lewis. All three of them are creators in their own right and are in various stages of publication and distribution. Our podcast is called Zone 4 and it's hosted, generously I might add, by Chuck Moore and Comic Related. We call it Zone 4 because Cary is often away working as a commercial diver all over the world, Brant is in the Eastern time zone, I'm here in the Central time zone, and Jason is in Australia (and as such he actually talks to us here in the States from the future!). For the most part we try to get together once a week and talk current news and topics in the comic book publishing industry. Our next broadcast should be this Friday, so stay tuned!
Let me get started this week with some quick reviews and takes on what I've bought and read, starting with the return of great comic that was butchered a few years ago.

After the embarassing reboot by Bart Sears and Bruce Jones that lasted just 10 issues, DC decided to do the right thing and have the character's creator, Mike Grell, take charge and do this the right way. I never read the original series so I have nothing to compare this to, but if DC has put out a Showcase edition I think I'm going to have to check it.
Issue #1 doesn't start from the beginning. Instead it seems to be picking up where the original series left off. We have explorers from Earth entering a golden gate into what will obviously be Skataris from a hidden cave in Tibet. Mean while refugees are pooring into the Skataris to escape the advancing hordes of the Shadowlands!
The art is sharp and solid with a darker or heavy feel to the lines, but it helps make a great impression of a land that is really more vibrant. The art mixes well with the colors and gives you a great visual experience to go along with a quick paced story. It's definitely worth picking up.

I find this whole development in the Superman mythos to be an interesting addition. Superman has left Earth and is living among his fellow Kryptonians on their newly formed world that shares Earth's orbit, but is diametrically opposed on the other side of the sun. General Zod has been freed from the Phantom Zone and pardoned from his sentence to serve once again as the leader of the Kryptonian armed forces. Through Superman's own indecision in choosing a guild to belong to, his aunt Alaura, the leader of New Krypton, has placed him in the Military Guild under the command of Zod. With a typical progression we get to see how Kal-el is eschewing to forgoe aggressive force like most Kryptonians seem to favor, and instead is acting much as he would on Earth by staying true to his humble Midwestern beginnings as a farmer and compassionate American.
I think the art is a little less impressive than I'd like in regards to the regular look of the characters, but it is well drawn. Overall I was a little underwhelmed by the story and I wonder if James Robinson couldn't have gotten the point across in 5 pages instead of the entire book. If you're really into this story, pick up the book. If you aren't, then you're not missing anything.

This is the first title that has the "Blackest Night" tag at the top of the book as they open the Agent Orange storyline.
I will tell you right now that if you are into comic books and superheroes, you need to be reading this series! Geoff Johns has really put this series at the top of my pile every month and it is the most prominent story in the DCU. Like he did with the Sinestro Corps War, I expect him to deliver a highly entertaining and satisfying story.
Issue #39 shows exactly why the Vega system has been off limits to the Green Lantern Corps for all these years. When the Dominators attempt to secure the source of the Orange light of Avarice, they unleash a threat that blames the Guardians of Oa for this tresspass. The future renegade Black Oan Scar then pushes the Guardians to writing the next new law of the Book of Oa into effect, which is that the Vega System is no longer outside of the Green Lantern Corps jurisdiction, setting up a battle with Avarice.
What's I find the most interesting is the fact that Hal Jordan is the background story in this issue, as the Guardians recall him to Oa to have the Blue ring foricibly removed from his hand, which Hal would like as well. Unfortunately the ring won't come off until Hal commits and act of faith. I don't know if the Blue Corps are planning on doing this frequently, but it's definitely a wrinkle that will have to be addressed.
Let me say it again, pick this thing up!!!

This is one of the most under rated books out there right now. I think anyone can pick up just about any issue and start reading without needing to have a general knowledge of Booster's past.
Booster finished his team up with none other than.......Booster Gold! The two Booster's find a way to restore time to into intended path, rescue Rip Hunter, and repair Skeets. In the process Booster's sister Michelle, distraught over the revelations last issue that she was snatched from the time stream just prior to her own death, sets off on her own to time unknown in despair. When Rip gets back Booster tells him she's gone but isn't sure where she is.
This is just a fun solid series for any one, particularly a DC fan. There are plenty of guest stars popping in and helping out, so you get some real good interplay between them and Booster, especially with them thinking of Booster as a goof, but as the tagline says he's "The Greatest Hero You've Never Heard Of!" Definitely worth picking up.

I think that Gail Simone is at her best showcasing a tongue in cheek story with characters that can be both comical and deadly. This issue is a stand alone story with Deadshot and Jeanette going out on a date with Scandal and a stripper the other team members had dress up like her dead girlfriend. Oh yeah, Dollman hitched a ride in the trunk.
I won't spoil too much of this issue since it's really kind of topical as far as story goes, but Scandal makes Deadshot promise not to kill anyone while they are out, so of course there is every opportunity for him to do so.
You don't have to pick this up if you're wanting the usual Secret Six stuff. But if you like humor and entertaining stories you could do much much worse.

Since this series is most likely going to be relying heavily on a surprise ending of sorts, I'm not going to spoil the plot too much, or so I hope.
The quickest way I can summarize this is to mention that Nightwing gets beat on by the new "mean" Batman, who in turn comes back to his new Batcave only to find Catwoman and wait for it.........another Batman already there. There a big fight and Batman wins.
Meanwhile Two-Face is suckered into beginning a gang war with a familar rival due to the intervention and return of a recently departed villain from the Gotham crime scene who has stepped up and is trying to get his two chief rivals to take each other out, or weaken themselves to the point of being easy pickings.
Commishioner Gordan has a nice little talk with the new DA. Can you guess if they get along or see eye-to-eye on the recent past and the present issues? I won't tell, but I will say I enjoyed much of the verbal sparring that took place.
We all know that whoever ends up with the pointy ears and cap will only be in place for a short while because Bruce Wayne is always going to be Batman, even if he temporarily dies, is injured, or just goes on vacation with about 20 supermodels. Do yourself a favor and enjoy this series and see a version of how things might shake out in Gotham and the DCU if Bruce Wayne were to die in a horribly created cosmic event. I think it will be worth it.
That's it for the reviews this week. Although with it being Tuesday already, I should actually get something else up within the next couple of days. Check back, I will be updating.
Glad to have you back, mate!
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