If you've listened to me rant at all over the last few years, you'll know that I pretty much can't stand Wizard and what I perceive to be their overall hubris towards fans and the industry. To state it in the most simple terms, I still get the feeling that they believe THEY are believe they are bigger than the industry they cover. Maybe you agree with me, maybe you don't, but it's how I feel. So, it probably doesn't take too much for you to guess I'd be cynical as this convention approached. You'd be absolutely correct, I was very cynical, especially after it became obvious that many of the top publishers weren't attending. No Marvel, No DC, No Darkhorse, No Image. I don't even think I saw Devil's Due (based out of Chicago) or IDW either. So for an aspiring creator who likes to meet mainstream creators, this was a huge disappointment to me.
Here's the kicker of the whole thing; despite some aspects that still bothered me about their show, I had a blast at this convention! I was really shocked. Once the initial disappointment wore off about the absent publishers, I was forced to make a choice. I could either bitch and moan through the convention for the entire weekend, or I could make the best of it. What I did was simple and cathartic, I shed my aspiring writing persona and put on my fanboy face.
As I mentioned last post, I dug into the vendors looking for deals, looking at what was there, and just finding gems and treasures I've long admired and wanted to read. In the process, I was able to fill in some of the gaps in runs that I was missing. It made me appreciate the medium and the products for their incredible storytelling capabilities. I looked and felt every bit of my 40 years, but I acted like a young man again, discovering the sheer joy of comic books.
I also picked up 4 of the next 5 trades I needed for Ultimate Spiderman (9, 10, 12, 13) for a total of $15!! At $3.75 each, that was a HUGE steal. Overall, it was a great convention and despite next year's emergence of the C2E2 show in April, if Wizard holds another convention in Chicago, I will be there!
Lastly, what is a convention without taking pictures of guests and geeks!! For some reason I saw more people dressed in DC outfits than Marvel, which I thought was odd. It was cool to see though. Anyways here they are, along with my attempts at witty commentary.

The entrance of the convention center. I think the water fountain is why we get charged a $5 "Convenience Fee" on our tickets.

Green Lanterns! I can't believe there all girls. If my wife didn't have me wearing my "Gold Lantern Ring" my will power wouldn't have been enough to resist! (Sorry, I know that was lame)

Lamest costume of the Convention. Lady Galactus? I guess I know what to do with that old office waste basket and my purple shirt.

These guys are there every year. They're also out of shape every year. At some point, I am hoping they "get it."

???? Yeah, it was a Gillete Razor Fusion Booth. I saw people shaving there on the convention floor. This is sooo stupid. I would have rather seen an "Axe" booth, there's much more need for one.

Edward James Olamos. I don't care how much BSG the man does, I still see him wearing a paper hat and teaching math!

I haven't a clue, but it set off alerts from my Gold Lantern Ring, so I figured I should document it.
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